06 May 1967
Kerala, Gothuruthu, Kochi
P.K.Ajith Kumar is the one who works for Chavittunatakam for years now. He is one of the leaders Gothuruth Chavittunataka Academy, a prominent troupe fromGothuruthu, Fort Kochi. He is the co-ordinator of this troupe.
He is touring with Gothuruth Chavittunataka Academy all over India and abroad, gained recognition as one of the rare Chavittunataka Academy
It was founded in the year 2005.Mr.Ajithkumar Pallikkal was the founder president.After its formation,the troupe begined performing through out the state.Goverment festivals and the churches are the main venues of this art form. The troupe will perform around 30 programmes in a calender year.Apart from the traditional play's,now a days the troupe had designed a story that of "Sabarimala Sreedharmasastha".