The delight dance performed as a part of farming ceremony is usually performed during summer nights. Hundreds of participants including ladies, gents and children participates in it. The old people is.

Irula Dance

Aug 10 2017 By Attakkalam

The delight dance performed as a part of farming ceremony is usually performed during summer nights. Hundreds of participants including ladies, gents and children participates in it. The old people is also very keen to participate in it. In the presence of the head of the clan, the participants arrange in a circular form, with gents wearing anklets. When the dancers are ready for the performance, the percussionists arrives with manporai, dhavir, kuzhal and elathalam.
The dancers done quite simple costumes like a cloth above the chest etc. With the increasing sound of manporai(drum), kuzhal(flute), the dancers sing a loud and raise their hands. This is called awakening the stage. The music follows simple 'thala' which synchronizes with the dance and at times loud whistle and howling sound emerge. The ancient dance of tribal beauty with extra ordinary movements continue till done.
During this dance of ecstasy, song's resounding lord Malleswaran reverse followers even the life of Attappadi, songs are rendered. The percussionists tie the instruments to their body and when the movements reach a climax, the songs and dance will stop and the dancers withdraws. For some more time, the loud sounds (manporai, dhavir, elathalam) reverberates on the valleys.
